Classical Studies

Want to declare a minor?
The first step is to talk to your academic advisor to explore your options.
What is Classical Studies?
The study of the literature, languages, history, art, philosophy and political thought of the Greeks and Romans develops the mind by requiring students to engage critically with such timeless topics as beauty and esthetics, the ideal relationship of the citizen and the state, the roles of men and women in society, freedom and slavery, the nature of war and peace, the purpose of literature, and the role of religion in public and private life.
It is not surprising, therefore, that the Classics have long been considered the ideal foundation of education for the informed citizen in any profession.
Program of study

Program of Study
Students are required to complete a total of 15 credit hours (5 courses) to be drawn from at least three different departments.
- At least 9 credits (3 courses) must be taken at the 3000-level and above.
- Courses are to be selected from the approved lists of courses in the Classical World and the Classical Tradition and its reception after Antiquity (see the grey navigation bar for links), with the caveat that additional courses may qualify for the Minor, subject to the discretion of the Minor committee. Per USG rules, courses taken to satisfy Core areas A-E may not be counted as coursework in the Minor.
- Students are strongly recommended to take Introduction to Classical Studies, a XIDS 2100 course.